Don’t Stop Asking Questions.

Don’t Stop Asking Questions

From what I witness amongst my generation, as well as in this upcoming one, it seems that we are hesitant to ask these questions. We are fearful of being judged, mocked, or humiliated for not knowing. We don’t want to bother others. We would rather turn to the device in our pocket. While it may just be more efficient, I believe it is costing us real knowledge and stripping us of authentic relationship. There is vulnerability in admitting the need for help, and in both asking and answering questions; and vulnerability is the catalyst for intimate relationship.

Therefore, a Man: Homosexuality and the Imago Dei

Therefore, a Man, Homosexuality and the Imago Dei

By Richard Roper The first three chapters of the book of Genesis, the opening pages of the Bible, lay down the foundation stones upon which most of the Judaeo-Christian ethic, and Western civilisation, are laid.  Very specifically verses 27 and 28 of Chapter 1 are the very heart of it:  27 ‘‘So God created mankind in his own … Read more

Movie Documentary Warns American Church of Complacency/Complicitness


LETTER TO THE AMERICAN CHURCH lays out the parallels between early 1930’s Nazi Germany and other totalitarian regimes, including Mao, Stalin and what is happening in America today and how the Church has been silent in the face of this evil. Because of America’s influence, the Church has received a calling to defend the voiceless and speak against the powers that silence the cry for freedom. The film argues that the Church’s decision to stay out of politics undermines the very message of the gospel and its power to transform every sphere of human existence.