Mark Driscoll Kicked Out From the Conference for Calling out Bizare Pole Acrobatics

Mark Driscoll

In a bizarre incident that happened this weekend, Pastor Mark Driscoll called out the very people he was invited by. This happened at the Stronger Conference for men. Mark took issue with a weird display of acrobatics that some perceived as a lewd display of pole dancing. While Mark Driscoll is no stranger to controversy, … Read more

Christian Music Artists Rebecca St. James and Cubbie Fink to Publish New Book with David C Cook

Rebecca St. James

Christian music artists Rebecca St. James (Fink) and Cubbie Fink are set to release their first co-authored book with Colorado Springs-based publisher David C Cook. The book is an intimate retelling of how the couple overcame trials and challenges to build a married life of faithfulness, and shares their views on love, faith, and marriage … Read more