What Does the Bible Say About Same-sex Relationships With Rebecca McLaughlin

What Does the Bible Say About Same-sex Relationships With Rebecca McLaughlin

In this episode, I’m speaking with Rebecca McLaughlin about what the Bible says about same-sex relationships and how we should respond to the challenges of secular culture. Rebecca McLaughlin holds a PhD in Renaissance Literature from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill College in London. Her first book, Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard … Read more

Harrison Butker Speech Against The Tyrany of the Left’s Ideology

Harrison Butker

The speech that started it all: Harrison Butker, kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, has faced significant backlash following a recent commencement speech at Benedictine College. During his speech, Butker made several controversial statements, including advocating for traditional gender roles and critiquing modern societal norms regarding family and gender​ (Yahoo Sports)​​ (Benedictine College Media & … Read more

Earth Day And Christianity

Jay Kim and Gavin Ortlund

Jay Kim and Gavin Ortlund discuss the importance of environmental sustainability from a Christian perspective, emphasizing stewardship and care for creation as integral to loving our neighbors. They address the complexity and politicization of environmental issues, advocating for a balanced approach grounded in biblical principles. Their conversation advocates for a nuanced understanding that balances personal convictions with the broader Christian call to love and care for creation.