Florida Laws Affirm Unborn Children Have Legal Rights

Florida Laws Affirm Unborn Children Have Legal Rights

During the oral argument on February 7, Chief Justice Carlos Muñiz noted that Article I, Section 2 of the Florida Constitution protects the rights of a “natural person,” and he asked if the ballot summary should apprise voters of how the proposed abortion amendment could impact this section if “natural person” also included the unborn.

Therefore, a Man: Homosexuality and the Imago Dei

Therefore, a Man, Homosexuality and the Imago Dei

By Richard Roper The first three chapters of the book of Genesis, the opening pages of the Bible, lay down the foundation stones upon which most of the Judaeo-Christian ethic, and Western civilisation, are laid.  Very specifically verses 27 and 28 of Chapter 1 are the very heart of it:  27 ‘‘So God created mankind in his own … Read more