Biblical Human Design and Sexuality

Couple watching sunset surrounded by candles

If you have found yourself confused about what is biblical human design and sexuality, The Nashville statement brings clarity, compassion, and hope for every Christian wanting to do the will of God for their lives. You can find the full website for the Nashville statement HERE Below are the 14 articles dealing with the biblical … Read more

Making Sense Of The Ukraine-Russian War

Ukraine refugees hugging

Dennis Melnichuk from Awakened Generation shares his insights on the ongoing war in Ukraine. He denounces Russia’s reasons for its invasion, arguing they lack justification given the deliberate targeting of civilians, reported use of chemical weapons, and denial of war crimes. Melnichuk emphasizes the importance of distributing factual information to battle misinformation during this time of conflict. He criticizes Russia’s accusations toward Ukraine, arguing that Russia has similar issues within its own borders. He concludes by praising the bravery of Russians protesting the war, despite the risk of punishment.