Mark Driscoll Kicked Out From the Conference for Calling out Bizare Pole Acrobatics

In a bizarre incident that happened this weekend, Pastor Mark Driscoll called out the very people he was invited by. This happened at the Stronger Conference for men. Mark took issue with a weird display of acrobatics that some perceived as a lewd display of pole dancing.

While Mark Driscoll is no stranger to controversy, he did the right thing by calling out the host pastors for allowing this.

You can see Mark’s remarks in this video above, where he is trying to walk a fine line between being respectful and yet bold in speaking the truth.

During his rebuke, Pastor Driscoll was told that he was “out of line” by the event’s host, Pastor John Lindell. Driscoll replied, “Pastor John, I received that,” and walked off the stage. Then, pastor John got on the stage and tried his best to calm the angry audience by saying that Driscoll should have addressed this privately.

The incident stirred up debate, and many people started commenting on it on Twitter or X. Some were very critical, but most agreed that this kind of display should not be part of a Christian event.

While bizarre, the whole incident raises more questions about ministries and churches in the U.S. obsessed with producing entertaining events and spending millions of dollars trying to mimic Hollywood.

Some people might say that hindsight is 20/20, and it’s easier to pile up on the embattled host pastor for putting this on. The bigger question is how bad the discernment in a church has to be for a pastor to try implementing weird tricks like these without his elders and team calling him out and holding him accountable for misusing funds to fund these lewd and bizarre displays of entertainment.

I am guessing the process is a slow fade, little by little, deviating from preaching the word of God, and instead of inspiring men to be men of God, they resort to gimmicks and tricks.

Some people have criticized Mark Driscoll for not telling the host pastor exactly what he was about to do in private before he did it in public, but I think a rebuke was necessary when this display was done publicly.

I pray that God gives us better men, godly men who care about teaching the word of God and his power, pastors who will teach men to be good husbands and fathers, pastors and evangelists, preachers, and teachers, and good businessmen who run businesses with conviction.

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17 thoughts on “Mark Driscoll Kicked Out From the Conference for Calling out Bizare Pole Acrobatics”

  1. When a pastor or leaders compromised and allows such arrogant filth, he deserves to be rebuked publicly.
    I commend Driscoll for speaking up and walking off the stage. “Pastor” Lindell was absolutely wrong, there is a place for rebuke.
    Obvious he did not receive it.

  2. Why was there a stripper at a christian men’ s conference to begin with? I find fault with Pastor John Lindell for allowing such a display and again for throwing Mark Driscoll out when he spoke truth! If anyone here needs to repent it is Pastor Lindell.

    • Totally agree! Pastor Lindell should have repented instead of criticizing Mark. Then asked everyone there to forgive him. Then called Mark back. Think of what an incredible power of the Holy Spirit that would have opened up to the men there struggling with pride. Porn. Sexual addictions. Etc. Pastor Lindell fell in to the hands of satan in his pride and arrogance. “Pride goes before the fall.”

  3. Paul called out Peter in front of the crowd for violating the Lord’s command not to be a respecter of persons concerning refusing to mingle with Gentiles when Jews were also in attendance. It’s notable Paul didn’t adhere to Matthew 18 guidelines and no one believes he was wrong for how he handled that situation, though Matthew I8 is a framework for most disputes between one person and another. In his mind, calling out such a display may not have been meant as a rebuke for his good friend and ministry associate John Lindell. Rather, it may have been a wake up call for greater future consideration for the entire committee of event organizers who developed the conference (not a specific person he had a problem with) so they would keep their eyes on glorifying Jesus Christ in every portion of the ministry. Don’t know what was in either person’s heart, but I hope they have taken it before the Lord, individually, then talked / worked it out and have determined in their hearts to avoid unhealthy displays for any future conferences either of them have a hand in organizing.

  4. This publication should be ashamed by calling the event simply “bizarre”. It was outright evil. Trying to balance between your viewership and standing in Christ is double-minded.

  5. “Weird display of acrobatics”? No, that was outright self-idolatry and did have the Jezebel spirit all over it. Mike Driscoll spoke the truth. At any point, how did John Lindell even think that was appropriate? Having a stripper perform at a men’s conference when PURITY and IDENTITY are under attack by the adversary?

  6. How did that “performance” edify and lift up the Body of Christ? It was self-serving, appealing to the flesh of those who put it forward. This action necessitated a public rebuke, otherwise the assumption would be made that everyone in attendance was in approval. Boldness is needed when confronting sin, and there is no other word to describe what was done in promoting this sort of carnal display. Thank you, Pastor Driscoll, for standing up for what is right!

  7. I personally believe that there is no reason to show a man ripping a shirt off and doing some sort of pole stuff. Why are churches so eager to be entertaining. bazaar. Pastor John Lindell didn’t like being rebuked well to bad. This world is going absolutely nuts and this pastor needs to do some soul searching. His reaction and the way he spoke was disturbing. An open rebuke was the only way to handle this because its very obvious this pastor would had blew off his concerns. Personally I am not a fan of Mark Driscoll but I do commend him for doing this. To many men in this world are dealing with porn and even though it might be nothing to John Lindell well how many men in that audience might be into men porn and he doesn’t realize he is causing them to stuble.

  8. Yes it was bizarre and according to what John Lindell said, he had a conversation to 30 minutes before Mark spoke and Mark did not bring up the issue. If that is true, then Mark made a correct assessment but did it in the wrong way. I read there was a part 2 and both pastors settled the issue

  9. I say Bravo! It is sad to see how so many mega churches are leading people astray. I just cannot imagine the early church behaving in this manner. These truly are the Last Days and it sad to see that so many people were angry with Mark.


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