Best Christian Dating Apps

Best Christian Dating Apps

In a world where digital connections reign supreme, finding a meaningful relationship that aligns with your faith can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, the advent of Christian dating apps has revolutionized the way devout singles meet and mingle and made it easier to find someone you connect with.

Don’t Stop Asking Questions.

Don’t Stop Asking Questions

From what I witness amongst my generation, as well as in this upcoming one, it seems that we are hesitant to ask these questions. We are fearful of being judged, mocked, or humiliated for not knowing. We don’t want to bother others. We would rather turn to the device in our pocket. While it may just be more efficient, I believe it is costing us real knowledge and stripping us of authentic relationship. There is vulnerability in admitting the need for help, and in both asking and answering questions; and vulnerability is the catalyst for intimate relationship.

Building Jerusalem, Through the Lens Of Ten Commandments

Building Jerusalem, Through the Lens Of Ten Commandments

By: Richard Roper Book: Building Jerusalem & other Letters from a Darkened Room Paperback  Understanding the Current chaos through the lens of the Ten Commandments  ‘And did those feet in ancient time Walk upon Englands mountains green: And was the holy Lamb of God, On Englands pleasant pastures seen!  And did the Countenance Divine, Shine … Read more

Best Christian YouTube Channels In 2024

Best Christian YouTube Channels In 2024

So what are the best Christian youtube channels In 2024 ? If you’ve been questioning your Christian faith because of the current events, you are not alone. However, you need to know that our faith is not blind faith; but instead, it’s rooted in truth and reality. You don’t have to do this alone; many … Read more