He Gets Us Super Bowl Ad And the Ad America Needs To See

During the Super Bowl this year, a controversial ad created by a nonprofit Christian organization sparked outrage among thousands of Christians. The ad features individuals washing the feet of various people, including a Black man, a woman outside a Planned Parenthood clinic, a Muslim woman, and a person who made their sin of homosexuality their identity. The ad concludes with the message that Jesus didn’t teach hate, but instead washed feet and embraced everyone.


The main objections raised by viewers on social media can be categorized into three main points.

  1. First, some people believed that the commercial aimed to attack traditional Christians and portray secular liberals as the virtuous ones.
  2. Second, others felt that the ad promoted a sinful lifestyle by suggesting that repentance is unnecessary and that Jesus approves of such behavior.
  3. Lastly, critics argued that the ad depicted a distorted version of Jesus, characterized as a woke and progressive figure.

However, it is important to consider two crucial aspects that seem to have been overlooked in the discussions surrounding the ad. Firstly, rather than engaging in internal debates about the ad’s merits or shortcomings, Christians could use it as a conversation starter with non-believers. With over 123 million people watching the Super Bowl, it presents a unique opportunity for evangelism. By inquiring about their thoughts on the ad, Christians can share the true message of Jesus with those who may have misconceptions or doubts. This approach enables Christians to reach out to individuals who may not regularly attend church and engage in meaningful dialogue about faith.

Secondly, the ad attempts to highlight the significance of humility in evangelism, even though its execution may have been flawed. Jesus set an example by coming to Earth as a humble servant, demonstrating the ultimate display of humility. Despite being God in human form, he chose to serve and love humanity, even those who are undeserving sinners. This message serves as a reminder that salvation is not earned through self-righteousness, but rather received as a free and undeserved gift.

It is essential for Christians to avoid looking down upon those they disagree with or feel self-righteousness towards. By internalizing the truth of salvation by grace alone, Christians can approach others with humility and convey the life-changing message of the Gospel effectively. The ad presents Christians with an opportunity to reflect upon their own attitudes and behaviors, ensuring that they align with the humility exemplified by Jesus.

Still a better ad would be this one made after the Super Bowl that is more biblical and accurate.

The Super Bowl ad, despite its controversy, can be a catalyst for meaningful conversations and outreach, allowing Christians to bridge the gap between faith and a wide audience.

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