Stanton Healthcare Sees Increase of Clients and Services for Women Facing Unexpected Pregnancies in a Post-Roe America

July 26, 2023

Stanton Healthcare Sees Increase of Clients

BOISE, Idaho, Since Roe v. Wade has been overturned, Stanton Healthcare has seen their office visits increase by 67%, website traffic increase by 124%, phone calls by 119%, and supply requests by 37%.

Stanton Healthcare is a women’s healthcare clinic which specializes in serving women with unexpected pregnancies by providing professional medical care, practical and emotional support, women’s wellness care and a special outreach to refugee and marginalized communities. Stanton Healthcare is based in Idaho with affiliates in the U.S. and internationally.

During the same time period, Planned Parenthood has downsized their national staff by 15% while life-affirming centers across America are expanding their services for women and children.

In the past year, the Planned Parenthood facility next to Stanton Healthcare in Boise, Idaho, permanently closed their doors; in addition, the Planned Parenthood center directly across from Stanton Healthcare in Meridian, Idaho, is experiencing a nearly empty parking lot while Stanton’s parking lot is full (see photo below).

Idaho is a virtually an abortion-free state.

Brandi Swindell, Founder and CEO of Stanton Healthcare, comments:

  • “Stanton is part of a women’s movement with over 3,000 life-affirming resource centers across the nation that outnumber abortion clinics by four to one.

    “After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, so many attacked the pro-life community saying we would not be ready to support women in a post-Roe America. I can say with certainty, thousands of life-affirming centers and women’s medical clinics have been waiting and preparing for this moment for decades.

    “We were ready to meet the challenge and we are making sure that every woman facing an unexpected pregnancy in a post-Roe America has access to life-affirming, quality care, compassionate resources and tangible support.

    “In my home state of Idaho, which is virtually abortion free, Stanton Healthcare has organized a coalition of political, faith and community leaders, and organizations to come together in a non-partisan way to find creative and life-affirming solutions as we unite to support women with unexpected pregnancies. We are excited other states are joining with us.

    “One year after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the pro-life community is reminding the nation of our commitment to serve and empower women as we make abortion unthinkable.”

Linda Thomas, Director of Community Outreach for Stanton Healthcare, shares:

  • “The pro-life community continues to prove its commitment to women and their children. Since the overturn of Roe, our clinics are busier than ever and our services have expanded. By contrast, Planned Parenthood is reducing their staff and limiting their services.

    “According to CNN, at least 43 abortion centers permanently closed within 30 days of the Dobbs decision, including in Boise, Idaho. While women continue to fill our parking lot at Stanton Healthcare in Meridian, Idaho, and receive compassionate, quality medical care, Planned Parenthood’s parking lot is regularly empty.”

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Chief Strategy Officer for Stanton Public Policy Center, adds:

  • “For months after Roe v. Wade was overturned, the pro-choice community was shouting that thousands of women with unexpected pregnancies would face hardship, pain and even death without access to abortion. They criticized the pro-life movement saying we would not be ready to meet their needs.

    “One year after the Dobbs decision, that heated rhetoric has amounted to nothing more than fear mongering. Pro-life centers and medical clinics across America are providing real tangible support, quality medical care and hope to thousands of women facing unexpected pregnancies while Planned Parenthood is cutting their staff and services. This is a reminder to everyone who is truly pro-woman.”

For more information or interviews contact:
Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540.538.4741

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